Nazava Water Filters - Water that cares

Meet Nazava Water Filters - a sustainable, gravity-powered, WHO-approved solution for safe drinking water at home. Perfect for emergencies and daily use, these eco-friendly filters require no electricity, are recyclable, and provide clean, great-tasting water wherever you need it.

When clean drinking water matters the most, Nazava turns any water source into safe, great-tasting water.

The Nazava Ceramic Filter

Everyone everywhere should have access to safe and affordable drinking water.

Nazava Water Filters are the most affordable and safest household water filters in the world. We are now bringing them to Spain. After witnessing the effects of DANA on the Valencian community, it became clear that an economical, easy to use, drinking water solution for disasters was missing.

These filters allow households to filter their well, tap or ground water without the need to boil or use electricity, reducing human diseases, household costs, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Whether you’re looking to filter your everyday drinking water to taste better, or searching for a drinking water solution to have on hand for emergencies, Nazava is a cost-effective and sustainable solution for you.

How does the filter work?

The Nazava ceramic water filters purify your water in three simple steps;

  1. Dirt and bacteria are filtered out by the ceramic

  2. Bacteria and other micro-organisms are killed by silver

  3. Activated carbon in the filter improves taste and makes your water taste fresh

Tiny pores in the ceramic membrane block bacteria and most dirt particles. Only water can pass!

Any bacteria that get stuck on the ceramic or in the pores are killed by nano-silver particles. The silver binds to the enzymes of micro-organisms which leaves them unable to grow and eventually kills them.  Within the ceramic membrane, there is high quality granular activated carbon. This carbon improves the taste of your water by absorbing chemicals.

Ceramic filtration is a highly proven technology. Sir Henry Doulton invented the first ceramic water filters in 1827. Nazava has further improved the filtration technology with the help of Santa Clara University, Delft University, and Resilience BV. Nazava’s ceramic filter has better bacteria removal, faster flow speed, and a lower price compared to the original by Doulton. Additionally, Nazava is more effective in removing bacteria than boiling is.

You can use Nazava drinking water filters to filter tap, well, ground and rainwater so it becomes safe to drink. Because the filter systems are gravity powered they do not use electricity or other chemicals.

The ceramic water filter can filter up to 7000 liters of water. This equals 350 of the 19L water-cooler bottles.

  • In elementary school we use 3 units of Nazava and the most important benefit is for the children, they no longer spend too much money just to drink water. The arrival of this Nazava product can provide benefits for children and teachers who usually drink with packaged drinks. The greater benefit of this product is that the children are kept healthy by using clearer, fresher water and lower costs. Nazava good water, good life.

    Samsul Arifin – SDN 4 Cibabat Cimahi

  • Leading access to safe drinking water

    Nazava’s R&D team is committed on generating the next generation of Water Filters. Over the next 3 years Nazava will provide safe drinking water to two million people and and enter 5 new countries.

  • World Class Manufacturing

    Nazava water filters use Dutch Technology and are manufactured using highest quality standards in Indonesia. Manufacturing is being set up in Ethiopia as well.

Nazava for Disaster Relief

Nazava provides the most simple disaster relief water purification solution

When disasters strike, they can destroy or contaminate entire water supplies, increasing the risk of diseases such as cholera, to which children are particularly vulnerable. Nazava Water Filters are easy to use and require no tools or electricity, making them ideal for use in humanitarian and disaster relief.

Unlike other disaster relief water purification systems, which are designed purely for disaster response, our ceramic filters last for 7000L, or about three years’ worth of use, meaning that they can be used by disaster victims long after aid organisations leave.

Nazava filters have been deployed in emergencies around the world. Through a long-term arrangement with Unicef, Nazava provided 10,000 water filters to war victims in Ukraine with an additional 10,000 provided via a crowdfunding campaign. Most recently, Nazava was selected as a winner of the UpLink – World Economic Forum and HRI Humanitarian Impact and Resilience Challenge.

Climate change is making matters worse.

Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather. This impacts both the quantity and quality of water. Flooding can overwhelm sewage systems, contaminating well and groundwater. Drought lessens the amount of water available, and less dilution leads to increased concentration of contaminants. Extreme weather events already dominate the headlines around the world.

With the increased risk of contamination, Nazava provides a powerful tool for helping communities improve their disaster resilience. In Spain, DANA left the Valencian community without a reliable water supply. As these events increase in frequency, communities need to become more disaster-resilient and prepared for more of these events.

Where have Nazava Filters been used for disaster relief?

How the filters remove and kill bacteria

99.99% of pathogens are blocked and killed by the ceramic filtration technology through size exclusion. The size of the filter pores is only 0.4 micrometers making it impossible for the bacteria to pass through them.

How does size exclusion work?

Bacteria and other pathogens and small particles can be trapped in two ways. Firstly, if the particle is larger than 0.4 micrometers the particle or bacterium simply cannot pass.

Particles smaller than 0.4µm can technically pass, however, when two smaller particles arrive at a pore at the same time they get stuck and form a bridge across the pore by sticking to each other. Bridged particles do not always plug the pore but create an even smaller pore. This is what happens when the flow rate of the filter reduces over time between cleaning. This means slower water flow, but cleaner water.

How does silver kill microorganisms?

The Nazava ceramic water filter is impregnated with silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles act primarily in three ways against bacteria:

  1. Nanoparticles in the range of 1–10nm stick to the cell membrane and drastically disturb its functions, such as permeability and respiration, this means the bacteria cannot “eat” and “breathe” anymore. (Morones et al 2005)

  2. Silver nanoparticles get into the bacteria cell and cause further damage by binding with sulfur- and phosphorus- containing compounds such as DNA (the molecules that store genetic information) (Morones et al 2005) ;

  3. Nanoparticles release silver ions which also bind to DNA, making it impossible for the bacteria to replicate itself (Feng et al)

Laboratory Test Results:

Water Problems - and the Solution

  • Turbidity is caused by suspended solids, such as sand, silt and clay, floating in water. Light reflects off these particles, which makes the water look cloudy or dirty. Turbidity is measured in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) or Formazin turbidity units (FTU).

    Turbidity will not make you sick; however, higher turbidity levels are often associated with higher levels of microorganisms (i.e., bacteria, viruses, protozoa) because they attach themselves to the particles in the water. Therefore, we must be cautious of turbid water as it usually has more pathogens, so drinking it increases our chances of becoming sick.

    Nazava drinking water filters will make your cloudy water clear and ready to drink!

  • Taste and odour are perhaps the most important characteristics of drinking water from the point of view of the user. It is next to impossible to convince people that water is safe to drink if it tastes or smells bad. Safe water that does not taste, look or smell good could lead people to reject the water and use other sources that are less safe. Taste and odour are measured with our senses.

    Nazava filters contain activated charcoal and will remove bad odours, making your water clean and ready to drink.

  • Bacteria in water sources are dangerous to human health. Unfiltered groundwater and rainwater can contain harmful bacteria which make water undrinkable.

    The Nazava filtration system is able to handle bacteria loads up to that of pure sewage and convert it to drinkable water.


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